Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Pengertian Inflasi

Inflasi adalah naiknya barang-barang secara umum dan berlangsung secara terus menerus sebagai akibat tidak seimbangnya arus barang dan arus uang.

Jenis inflasi
Berdasarkan tingkat keparahanya inflasi di bedakan menjadi beberapa macam:
  1. Inflasi Ringan yaitu inflasi yang lajunya kurang dari 10% pertahun
  2. Inflasi sedang yaitu inflasi yang lajunya 10% - 30% pertahun
  3. Inflasi Berat yaitu inflasi yang lajunya bergerak antara 30% - 100% pertahun
  4. Inflasi sangat berat disebut juga hiperinflation dengan laju diatas 100% pertahun

Berdasarkan wilayahnya
  1. Inflasi berasal dari dalam negeri
  2. Inflasi berasal dari luar negeri, terjadi kerena adanya kenaikan harga-harga barang diluar negeri.

Sebab-sebab Inflasi
·                                 Jumlah uang yang beredar melebihi keperluan
·                                 Inflasi karena tarikan permintaan
·                                 Inflasi karena dorongan biaya

Dampak Inflasi
  • Merugikan masyarakat yang berpenghasilan tetap
  • Minat menabung menjadi turun,karena nilai riil tabungan menurun
  • Produksi turun, akibat tabungan dan investasi menurun
  • Terjadinya penurunan volume dan nilai ekspor

Cara-cara mengatasi inflasi
  • Kebijakan moneter : Menaikan suku bunga
  • Kebijakan Fiskal : Menaikan tarif pajak,menghemat pengeluaran pemerintah
  • Kebijakan disiplin dalam berefisiensi
  • Kebijakan Non Moneter
    Kebijakan non moneter dapat dilakukan melalui instrument berikut:

    • Mendorong agar pengusaha menaikkan hasil produksinya.
    • Menekan tingkat upah.
    • Pemerintah melakukan pengawasan harga dan sekaligus menetapkan harga maksimal.
    • Pemerintah melakukan distribusi secara langsung.
    • Penanggulangan inflasi yang sangat parah (hyper inflation) ditempuh dengan cara melakukan sneering (pemotongan nilai mata uang). Senering ini pernah dilakukan oleh pemerintah pada tahun 1960-an pada saat inflasi mencapai 650%. Pemerintah memotong nilai mata uang pecahan Rp. 1.000,00 menjadi Rp. 1,00.
Understanding Inflation

Inflation is the increase of goods in general and continues over time as a result of unbalance flow of goods and money flows.

Types of inflation
Based on the rate of inflation keparahanya to differentiate into several kinds:
1. Mild inflation is inflation that is its speed is less than 10% per year
2. Inflation is the inflation speed of 10% - 30% per year
3. Inflation Weight of moving speed of inflation between 30% - 100% per year
4. Inflation is very heavy also called hiperinflation a rate above 100% per year

Based on its territory
1. Inflation comes from the domestic
2. Inflation comes from overseas, occurred because of rising prices of goods outside the country.

Causes of Inflation
• The amount of money in circulation exceeds the purposes of
• Inflation since the pull request
• Inflation due to cost push

Impact of Inflation
• Adverse public fixed income
• Interest savings to be down, because the declining real value of savings
• Production down, due to declining savings and investment
• The decrease in volume and export value

Ways to tackle inflation
• Monetary policy: Raising interest rates
• Fiscal Policy: Raising tax rates, saving government expenditure
• discipline policies in efficiency
• Non-Monetary Policy
Non-monetary policy instruments can be done through the following:

• Encourage employers to increase their harvests.
• Pressing the wage rate.
• Government to supervise the price and once set a maximum price.
• The government made the distribution directly.
• Reduction of very severe inflation (hyper inflation) taken by way of sneering (cutting the value of currency). Senering This has been done by the government in the 1960s when inflation reached 650%. The government cut the value of the currency denomination Rp. 1000.00 to Rp. 1.00.

Understanding Inflation

Inflation is the increase of goods in general and continues over time as a result of unbalance flow of goods and money flows.

Types of inflation
Based on the rate of inflation keparahanya to differentiate into several kinds:
1. Mild inflation is inflation that is its speed is less than 10% per year
2. Inflation is the inflation speed of 10% - 30% per year
3. Inflation Weight of moving speed of inflation between 30% - 100% per year
4. Inflation is very heavy also called hiperinflation a rate above 100% per year

Based on its territory
1. Inflation comes from the domestic
2. Inflation comes from overseas, occurred because of rising prices of goods outside the country.

Causes of Inflation
• The amount of money in circulation exceeds the purposes of
• Inflation since the pull request
• Inflation due to cost push

Impact of Inflation
• Adverse public fixed income
• Interest savings to be down, because the declining real value of savings
• Production down, due to declining savings and investment
• The decrease in volume and export value

Ways to tackle inflation
• Monetary policy: Raising interest rates
• Fiscal Policy: Raising tax rates, saving government expenditure
• discipline policies in efficiency

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